Babe Ink
Raunchy Tina Marie Revealed
Tina Marie from comes across as a very down to earth type of girl but she is anything but ordinary. She has that classic alt model appeal but step inside her mind for a few moments and you will soon discover that she is more than just a pretty face and sexy body.
So Tina Marie tell us a bit about yourself?
I was pretty much an ordinary child apart from I had an obsession with the darker side of life. I remember when I was a child, I couldn’t have been any older than 10, I begged my parents to get me books on sharks and crocodiles. I loved reading about them as animals but I had a thing for attacks on people. I liked to read about it and look at the pictures (some were pretty graphic) but I think that for a child an interest in death is healthy. We hush hush it way too much in society, and kids grow up thinking it is something we can’t talk about or ask questions about.
When in reality, death is a perfectly normal part of life. I believe people should be more open about it, as well as being more open about sex (not that I’d suggest combining the two hehe). And as a result I’m sure there would be less of a teenage pregnancy rate and less STD’s too. As for being more open about death, maybe it would help people to cope and talk to one another when they lose a loved one?

I was pretty much looked on as weird for having no inhibitions about these things. This led on to me dressing in a “gothic” style as a teenager, as well as living the alt. lifestyle too. It just felt natural to me to be this way, although it caused me to pretty much be an outcast in school. As for music, I listened to a lot of alternative and goth music as a teenager, but as I have grown up I listen to pretty much anything now. Variety is the spice of life and restricting myself to one type of music or one type of dress style would be so boring for me. I need change!
You describe getting tattoos was a way of 'claiming back your body', can you elaborate a bit more on this point?
As a result of being bullied a lot for being “alternative” I ended up totally crushing myself and turning myself into this mousey monotonous person which was in no way a reflection of my personality whatsoever. I guess I did this as a way of protecting myself from any further hurt, I kind of just wanted to fade into the background so no one would notice me and as a result I wouldn’t get picked on anymore. You can only deny the real you for so long, and when I got into my early 20’s I decided enough was enough, and I wanted to claim back the real me.
My tattoos do represent a turning point in my life when I claimed back not only my body but the real me inside. It just felt right I guess, and even after my first 2 hour session I felt liberated. I’m not the kind of person that does things by halves so once I had my back done I knew I wanted to carry on with getting work. I love it, I just feel like it’s normal for me to be tattooed, and it reflects the creative person that lives inside of me.

You make no secret of the fact that you have bi-polar. It has been suggested to me by a psychologist that people with this disorder have a higher degree of marking their skin with tattoos, piercings or scarification (which probably explains my fetish for body mods!). Do you think this is the case with you and do your tattoos represent any particularly significant points in your life?
So you’re bi-polar too then? I can’t speak for others with the disorder but yeah I feel that the two are linked. For me when I’m in an up cycle I’m very much creative and very productive. I draw, write, paint and do graphic design. Being tattooed is just like expanding my artwork onto my body.
I’m the kind of person that wears her heart on her sleeve and I’m pretty open about everything. I made the decision not to keep the fact that I’m bi-polar a secret because I know how very alone and desperate one can feel when in a down cycle. I hope that if others can see that I manage to have my own business and a life, that they will feel inspired to keep on pushing and not give up on themselves. My tattoos definitely represent a turning point in my life, having the guts to go out there and get them done (when you’re bi-polar sometimes even getting out of the house can seem a challenge) then led onto me taking further steps in my life to become independent.

It is a well known fact that there is a high percentage of artistic people such as musicians and artists with bi-polar. Would you say it has had a big influence on who you are and how do you deal with the down cycle?
I don’t like to let bi-polar “win” and when I’m in a down cycle I try my very hardest to continue with life as best as I possibly can. With a lot of support from my Husband I try and do the simple things like get up and go to bed at the right times, have a shower each day and eat regular meals. Anyone that suffers with the disorder will know just how difficult those things can be when you’re down.
It’s hard, but I just keep reminding myself of the positives, and I use cognitive behavioral techniques to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. Bi-polar definitely has a huge influence on who I am, which can be good and can be bad. The best part about it is when I’m on a high I am so inspired and can get so much done. You feel almost euphoric and everything seems amazing. I usually use this time to get lots done if I can train my brain to stay still long enough!
Which tattoo artist(s) did your ink?
My back piece was done by Mark Bailey at Golden Dragon Tattoo in Chester UK and my arms are done by Paul Naylor at Indigo Tattoo in Northwich UK. I’m currently still having my black and grey mermaid sleeve done by Paul as we have a few more sessions left to do on it.
Apart from Babe Ink have you done or are you working on any other modeling projects?
I try not to do too much work outside of my own company as I don’t want to spread myself too thinly. To date I have done some movies for But the only place to see my new stuff at the moment is on my own website.

You kinda remind me of Masuimi Max. Have you drawn any influence from her or any other fetish/pin up models?
It’s a huge compliment when people compare me to someone as beautiful and successful as Masuimi. Obviously I am aware of other fetish/pin-up models and they are all gorgeous and successful in their own unique way. But I don’t try and mimic other people, I like to be myself. My tattoo work is custom and can’t be found on anyone else and I don’t try and model myself on anyone. It’s pretty important to me to be unique and be myself. But I guess these days every look and scenario has been done before so it’s hard to keep coming up with new shoots as they have probably been done at some point elsewhere. I tend to just have a rule to keep on having fun with it!
How do the general public react to females in particular with such heavy tattoo work? Do you think they still perceive them as being the preserve of 'sailors, whores and criminals'?
Sometimes people stare and whisper which is pretty rude! Other times I get other women grabbing me and man handling me in the toilets of a restaurant or something and asking me stupid questions like “are they real?” and “how much did that cost?”. That pretty much pisses me off because I hate when people turn me round like a museum display!
I don’t mind if people are interested in my tattoos and want to talk to me, but some people can ask the dumbest questions! Then of course you get the people that live the same lifestyle as I do and just make a nice comment like “Nice work” or “Where did you get your work done?” I don’t mind that as they don’t treat me like a circus freak. I guess some people might perceive women with tattoos as “sailors, whores and criminals” but that makes them pretty short sighted and not the kind of people I’d want to get to know. And anyway, everyone knows that tattooed girls fuck better hehe…
Where do you like to hang out after dark?
I’m pretty boring really! I like to hang out at the movies with my man, or cuddle up on the sofa. I have a pretty strict sleep pattern because I have to keep the bi-polar in check, so partying until 3am in the morning is pretty much out of the question for me. I’m a bit of a home body and spend a lot of time on my laptop working or surfing or designing or something. I’m a bit of a geek on the quiet hehe.
Any last parting words?
Yes, always be yourself and never let anyone put you down for being you. And visit my website of course hehe…Oh and thankyou for having me, hope my answers weren’t too boring for you!! Xx