Tattoo Expo Pomona on January 2009, the exhibition designer for the tattoo image. Body art painting exhibited at the expo. Some interesting photos from January 2009 Hair Expo in Pomona, California. Earth has a henna booth at this event, where we introduce our people Earth Jagua Body Painting kit. If you compare some temporary tattoos in the photographs is spotlighted with a permanent tattoo gallery in Pomona, you can see it's hard to tell the difference between temporary tattoos and real ones!

Arm Girl Tattoo Design

Girl Tiger Tattoo Design

Women Star Tattoo Ideas

Beautiful butterfly tattoo. butterfly is a beautiful animal that is often used as a symbol. Butterfly is often as body painting or tattoo. Many women in the real body tattoo on the arm, shoulder, leg.

Cute Girl Chest Tattoo Design

Girl Stomach Tattoo Pictures

Festival body painting or body painting in the world. Painting the body starting tune of late, especially because it does not like the temporary tattoo. Many artists around the world working as a professional body and the painting as a livelihood. The works we usually see them in movies or on television ads.