For anyone considering a tattoo that incorporates a bird in it’s design should consider getting a hummingbird tattoo. Hummingbirds themselves are a totem of clarity for many, as these tiny and beautiful birds ‘get to the heart of a matter,’ just as they get directly to the heart of a flower to get it’s pollen. But, the actual symbolism behind a hummingbird tattoo is not directly set in stone and is up to the interpretation of the bearer. Though, they may very well have an almost proverbial meaning of gathering joy from ‘burying our noses in, and inhaling all the sweetness of life.’ Hummingbird tattoos can come in a variety of shapes and colors. There are over 300 different types of hummingbirds, so you have quite a few to pick from. Colorful examples of hummingbird designs include the blue chinned sapphire hummingbird, which is a salient blue-green hue and the the purple throated mountain gem, which also sports the same sapphire coloring, but has streaks of light purple over its entire body. Despite, or maybe even because of, the fact that hummingbird tattoos do not have a set symbolism of their own, they make for an excellent design. You can assign whatever meaning you so choose to this image, and what’s more, have a beautiful piece of art to go with it.

When getting a hummingbird tattoo there are quite a few things that you need to consider. These include such variables as color, setting and placement of the hummingbird tattoo. Let’s go through these individual points one at a time. First and foremost, hummingbirds are colorful. You can certainly decide to go with a silhouette design if that’s your preference, but you’re missing out on an opportunity to play with color like you’ve never done before. There are an amazing variety of hummingbirds, so you might choose a realistic rendering of your favorite type. And be sure to use as much of your favorite colors as you want. As far as setting goes, try including a flower blossom in your design. Imagine how much more powerful your hummingbird tattoo will be in it’s natural setting. While hummingbirds seem to be a distinctly feminine tattoo, guys could wear this design by adding the name of a girlfriend, wife or daughter. As with any name tattoo, be sure the relationship is a lasting one before you commit to ink. Now for the last bit of advice. Consider where your going to place the hummingbird tattoo. You can place it on your arm, breast, back or even your ankle. There really is no bad place for this magnificent winged creature.