This is a good looking tattoo in my simple opinion. It is one of those eagle tattoos that people get when they want to show how much they love the symbol of the eagle. This guy picked a good one here, it is a high flying eagle that is looking down on it’s prey. The eagle is such a magnificent animal, and anytime someone chooses to have one put on their body, it is a great choice. I have seen some incredible eagle tattoos on people at tattoo conventions, and I have seen them at lots of fraternity parties. The best eagle tattoos you might be able to view, are on the Indian tribes of the northwest. The tattoos and the totem poles do not even come close to the real beauty of a live eagle. The first time you see a live eagle, I guarantee you will fall totally in love with the species. They are strong and intimidating to some degree, but the feeling you get from seeing one live is just to incredible to speak about. I find a lot of eagle tattoos do a great job at displaying what the eagle is all about. I would like to see some more tattoos like this with more than one eagle in it. Most of the time you never see an eagle tattoo with more than one eagle, what happened to the mates and the chicks.

The eagle tattoo is one of those rare tattoos that have almost a universal meaning regardless of the culture that embraces it. The eagle is also known to represent wisdom, spiritual protection, and a provider of strength and courage. As the highest flying of all birds, many cultures believe the eagle to be a connection between man and the gods, carrying prayers up to the heavens. Native Americans believed the eagle to embody honor, bravery, friendship and have special magical powers. Eagles are regarded as the divine spirit, the head of all creatures in the air and as the primary servant or even direct representative of the sun. Thus, eagle tattoos are especially popular among their people and eagle designs continuously show up in their arts, history and culture. As the national bird of the United States, the American eagle has made its way onto the skin of countless US servicemen. As the ultimate statement of patriotism, American eagle tattoos show the love one has for his country and the freedoms within it. But, regardless of the reason for getting an eagle tattoo you can be sure that it represents the best of humanity, respect, courage, wisdom and above all else, freedom.