As the popularity of airbrush tattoos and body art increases around the world, more and more companies are developing their own airbrush tattoo ink. Being an airbrush tattoo artist for over 6 years now, I have had the opportunity to try out many different brands of temporary tattoo ink. Outlined here are my findings from my own independent experiments.
When shopping for temporary tattoo ink, the first thing you should look for are companies that use only FDA approved ingredients. As of this writing, the FDA does not regulate temporary tattoo inks, so be wary of any company that says their inks are actually FDA approved.
The next point to watch out for is companies advertising concentrated ink. You do not want to change the chemistry of the inks you are spraying by reducing them yourself. Buy inks that are ready to spray. Sometimes you will still have to slightly reduce these airbrush ready inks in order to spray properly, but these minor adjustments will be far more consistent than having to reduce the inks from a concentrated form.